
Games Flame Fighter

Description Fight your way through the flames and keep the neighborhood safe! How to Play Use your firetruck to put out fires, then transport the wounded to the hospital. After disaster's been averted, bring in the construction crew to patch up the building! You'll get more vehicles and responsibilities as you progress through the game. Keep the neighborhood safe and reach the goal score to complete a level! Description Fight jalan Anda melalui api dan menjaga lingkungan aman! How to Play Gunakan firetruck Anda untuk memadamkan api, kemudian mengangkut korban luka ke rumah sakit. Setelah bencana sudah dihindari, membawa kru konstruksi untuk menambal bangunan! Anda akan mendapatkan lebih banyak kendaraan dan tanggung jawab karena Anda maju melalui permainan. Jauhkan lingkungan yang aman dan mencapai mencetak gol untuk menyelesaikan level!

Judul Games Flame Fighter
Deskripsi Description Fight your way through the flames and keep the neighborhood safe! How to Play Use your firetruck to put out fires, then ...
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