
Games Tapas Time

Description Beachgoers will flock to your tempting tapas stand! How to Play Customers' orders appear in a bubble above their heads. Chop, cook, and assemble the correct ingredients to serve their tasty tapas, then collect your cash. Don't leave them hanging—the longer they wait, the less thrilled they'll be... Description Anak-anak pantai akan berkerumun ke kedai tapasmu yang menggoda selera! How to Play Pesanan pelanggan nampak dalam sebuah gelembung di atas kepala mereka. Potong, masak, dan susun bahan baku yang tepat untuk menyajikan mereka tapas yang lezat, lalu ambil uangmu. Jangan biarkan mereka menunggu-semakin lama mereka menunggu, semakin tak bersemangat mereka...

Judul Games Tapas Time
Deskripsi Description Beachgoers will flock to your tempting tapas stand! How to Play Customers' orders appear in a bubble above their hea...
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