
Games Azgard Tower Defense

Description Hordes of horrible creatures descend upon your fantasy land. Magic towers to the defense! How to Play Choose a difficulty and location, and then drag towers (that you can afford) and drop them anywhere on the ramparts where they show a green outline. Note that some towers specialize in ground or air defense. Take out all of the waves before they reach your castle. Description Gerombolan makhluk mengerikan turun ke dunia fantasimu. Menara sihir, ayo bertahan! How to Play Pilih kesulitan dan lokasi, lalu tarik menara (yang bisa kamu beli) dan turunkan di mana saja di dinding benteng yang bergaris luar hijau. Ada menara yang berspesialisasi pada pertahanan darat dan ada yang pertahanan udara. Sapu habis semua gelombang sebelum mencapai kastilmu.

Judul Games Azgard Tower Defense
Deskripsi Description Hordes of horrible creatures descend upon your fantasy land. Magic towers to the defense! How to Play Choose a difficult...
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