
Games Cute Caramel Pudding

Description Who knew caramel puddings loved to play dress-up? How to Play Follow the instructions to make delicious caramel puddings—then make them cute! Browse the decoration options to match your pudding to the example. The closer your cute replica is to the original, the higher your score. Description Siapa yang tahu bahwa puding karanel suka bermain dandanan? How to Play Ikuti instruksinya untuk membuat puding karamel yang lezat - lalu buat puding itu imut! Cari-cari opsi hiasan untuk mencocokkan pudingmu dengan contihnya. Semakin dekat replikamu dengan yang asli, semakin tinggi skormu.

Judul Games Cute Caramel Pudding
Deskripsi Description Who knew caramel puddings loved to play dress-up? How to Play Follow the instructions to make delicious caramel puddings...
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