
Games Leaving the Country

Description Help Sarah and Douglas find new lives and friends in their new hotel in the French countryside! How to Play Click to pick up characters and set them down. Move the characters to the locations and with the people they request and help them build relationships. Click the phone to answer it and then choose an activity to help Sarah build her skills. Description Bantu Sarah dan Douglas menemukan kehidupan dan teman baru dalam hotel baru mereka di luar kota Perancis! How to Play Klik untuk mengambil karakter-karakter dan mengatur-nya. Gerakan karakter-karakter disekitar untuk memuaskan keinginan mereka dan tolong mereka membangun hubungan. Klik telepon untuk menjawab-nya dan kemudian pilih sebuah aktivitas untuk menolong Sarah mengembangkan kemampuannya.

Judul Games Leaving the Country
Deskripsi Description Help Sarah and Douglas find new lives and friends in their new hotel in the French countryside! How to Play Click to pic...
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