
Games Restoran Omelet

Description Round up your regulars and serve up some scrumptious omelets! How to Play Seat your customers at empty tables and take their orders. Toss an egg into the frying pan and wait until it's done, then put it on a plate. Add the appropriate topping, then serve up the omelet! Description Kumpulkan pelangganmu dan sajikan mereka omelet-omelet yang lezat! How to Play Dudukkan pelanggan-pelangganmu di meja-meja kosong dan terima pesanan mereka. Masukkan sebutir telur ke penggorengan dan tunggu sampai matang, kemudian letakkan di atas piring. Tambahkan topping yang sesuai, kemudian sajikan omeletnya!

Judul Games Restoran Omelet
Deskripsi Description Round up your regulars and serve up some scrumptious omelets! How to Play Seat your customers at empty tables and take t...
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